Saturday, March 16, 2013


I can't be the only one sitting at my desk on a Sunday morning studying for a Science test that I have tomorrow. I can't be the only one, I CAN'T BE! 
From my writing I might seem stressed, but I am not. Okay? I am perfectly fine. I can totally handle this. I mean its only three test I have this week. I could totally handle this. Its only 3 test and 2 essays due this week. I am fine. I am not stressed at all. 
Oh, what the heck. OF COURSE I AM STRESSED. Can I handle this? NO! Am I fine? WHAT DO YOU THINK? OF COURSE NOT! major problems.....are exposed to the world. 

So if you have any ideas or ways to handle this please help me! Or if you are going through a similar situation share it in the comments! 

I am not stressed a single bit about these testS in this week........said no student ever. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

View of this morning to now. Get Well Soon :)

Waking up at 6:00 AM as always. Slowly dragging myself to the washroom to get prepared, I wasn't feeling very good already. By the time I got dressed and got down stairs its already 6:30. "You don't look very well today." Mom stated. I nodded and took my seat at the kitchen table. Mom left the room for 2 minutes and swiftly came back in with a temp. measure. She forced my mouth open and put it under my tongue. It was such an uncomfortable feeling. Time seemed so slow, but it was only 2 minutes. Mom took the measure out and read it. "Fever, no school!" She yelled. "Get back into your pajamas and rest in your room." She demanded. As she said so, I did. Now, its already 11:30. Still feeling sick, I decided to write you all a brief description of my day so far.

Hope to be able to update you guys soon again. To all who is sick out there too: Get Well Soon and God Bless you. <3 <3

Smile x) 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Outfit of the Day!!

So, I believe all of you use You Tube ( ). And on there, there are different Channels. Beauty Channels, Comedy Channels, etc. Most of the Beauty Channels do "Outfit of the Day"(OOTD)! So I decided to do one on my blog! (I even might do this pretty often!) Here it is.... my OOTD's comes with a description of each item! Read on......

Still a bit cold in where I live (no more snow), so this warm cozy Hollister Sweater suits me perfectly!
On the inside, I am wearing a blue T-Shirt with a Pink Superman Logo dripping. I bought this online from If you want the link to buying this, ask in the comments or email me.
I am wearing UEBERLABEL colored skinny jeans today. I am wearing the pink one on the very left of the picture. Very comfy!
Classic me with my classic purple converses. I love these! I love converse1 GO CONVERSE!
Pink-ish, purple bag. I got this from Kipling. It's a shoulder bag that goes across.

So that's my OOTD! I will do more soon! Next time, I'll try using Polyvore. So its not all seperated!
I'll blog again soon! Have a great weekend!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentines Part 3

You cant complete your look without a perfect outfit! Here's Part 3 to the Valentines look!
For an outfit for valentines, white, pink and red would probably be the theme you want to stick with. Continue reading to see what I suggest the best.
Start with a super simple white dress. Its just a plain one without sleeves. This should probably go up till above your knee,or a bit shorter (not too short).
Add a red belt to that plain white dress: TA-DA! (If it gets cold, a gray sweater button up will look great!)

Thats a GREAT dress for  valentines.

If you're going for flats I would suggest these two kinds.
If you're going for heels. Go around these three kinds.

Well, thats part 3 and the LAST PART! Woof! That went by easily! And quickly! Well, Valentines is in two days! Better get ready (if you made plans >.<)!!  Remember, when you do all these steps and parts, don't make it look like you put TOO much effort, BUT at the same time you need to look BEAUTIFUL!

Hope this helps!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentines Look Part 2

Are you ready? Are you excited? I hope you are! Cause here is Part 2 to the Valentines look!

Base Coat to protect your nails. SO important! It makes applyng other colors easier too.
Lightest baby Pink nail polish is suggested. If not just keep your nails natural with a base coat so its SHINEESS. Both are suggested.

For this, it really depends on your hair color.
If you have blonde hair, I usggest you to go with Taylor Swift's Hair Style (as shown in the picture)
If you have brown , black or bronze hair color I suggest big waves. (as shown in the picture)
USE HAIR STRAIGHTENERS!!! Curlers aren't the best!!!

Tutorials on youtube:
- For brown, black or bronze hair
- for blonde hair (this is the best one i can find bu tit is not the blonde color)

So thats Part 2, for hair and nails!
Stay tuned for part 3! Which will probably be outift!

Valentines Look Part 1

It's almost Valentines Day! (Includes: makeup, outfit, purse....)
Let's Get Started!

Valentines Day Look Part 1: MAKEUP
MAC-Select SPF 15 foundation. My favorite kind, this is for MY tone. Choose your own tone should be  half a tone more or less than your natural tone. Both will work. BUT you DO NOT want to look too dark or pale.

NAKED- Basics- Eye shadow. I suggest this series. And numbers 2,3,4 from the left, is best for a valentines look. When you apply this: apply it lightly and not too much.
MY FAVORITE Mascara. It is awesome and SUPER easy to apply. It does not fall off easily and does not smudge easily either. From Maybelline- called the Colossal.
Estee Lauder's Artist Eyepencil.- Again: My favorite eyeliner. Super easy to apply. Super easy to take off. DOES NOT SMUDGE.  When apply this do not apply to dark. (optional to apply) I suggest brown for this look.
Estee Lauder's Signature Silky Powder blush. When you apply this for this look. Start off close to your nose and start with the lightest color and go back to your ears as you get darker. DO NOT go till the darkest color on this blush color. Only go till the MIDDLE.
Middle of light and dark pink lip gloss from NARS. First apply moisture lipstick and then apply this. Then apply a shiny pink lip coat on top lightly.

Thats the makeup for valentines day! Wait for part 2 which probably is nails and hair!! Stay tuned!
This should probably be how it would end up: